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A requiem for Workplace by Facebook: The CIO’s leftfield choice

"It became a Fortune 500-heavy, frontline-friendly business by accident. We thought only tech companies would use Workplace, until Clay Johnson, back then CIO of Walmart, told us he wanted Workplace for 100% of their employees"

Feds to businesses: Preservation rules don't vanish with "ephemeral" messages

"This preservation responsibility applies to new methods of collaboration and information sharing tools, even including tools that allow for messages to disappear via ephemeral messaging capabilities"

Microsoft rolls out Spatial Audio option for Teams calls

Microsoft's new stereo sound option for Teams will look to cut down on meeting fatigue and provide a more natural conversation style for group video calls

Teams bundling competition European commission

Slack had alleged that Microsoft “created a weak, copycat product and tied it to their dominant Office product, force installing it and blocking its removal"

As regulators sniff around Teams, Microsoft boasts 300 million users

European regulators may be gearing up for an antitrust investigation over Microsoft’s Teams bundling with Office software but it was hardly a talking point on Microsoft’s latest earnings call – with Redmond reporting net income of $18.3 billion for its fiscal Q3, up 9%, and Teams itself hitting

Microsoft buys 4% of London Stock Exchange; LSEG to spend $2.8bn on cloud

Two will co-develop new analytics services, migrate data infrastructre to Azure

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