Cloud-native should be the tradeoff-free zone
How do you keep up with the data that your application generates?
How do you keep up with the data that your application generates?
"This is not 'espionage as usual' even in the digital age"
Enterprise IT
"The way COBOL is being talked about is a red herring"
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Introducing "Brain Wah"
"We ran around and physically cut the cords connecting the servers to make sure the virus couldn’t spread any further... There was an eery silence."
After the seismic events of 2020, the New Year offers fresh hope for tackling the Covid-19 pandemic, for economic recovery and for ‘building back better.’ Technology and data will continue to have an increasingly critical role in all aspects of the global economy, but businesses will be the subject ofincreased
"No magic: hard work, a lot of innovation, and getting shit done."
Enterprise IT
Seeking a "good human", working out of Los Angeles.
"When developers make decisions, they tend to take the easiest route..."