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Messaging Layer Security is coming of age in good news for privacy lovers

It's not finished yet, but MLS being deployed by Wire is good news...

Credit Suisse vows digital reform after dire year, reveals $3B IT spend

New Chief Technology and Operations Officer, Joanne Hannaford is leading ambitious efforts at the bank.

COBOL code base in production hits 800+ billion lines

Still critical, still growing...

The top three ransomware infection vectors remain troublingly consistent

Here's what companies should be doing to address them

Scoop: Foreign Office hacked in "serious cyber security incident"

Breach only revealed in incident response contract award.

Job of the Week: CISO, insurance family Direct Line Group

Join and lead a growing, refreshed team

UK fintech deals accounted for 10% of all global activity in 2021 -- will a rate hike put the cat among the pigeons?

The UK’s fintech sector had a storming 2021, recording deals worth $37.3bn (up from $5.2bn in 2020), the biggest deal globally, and five of the top 10 fintech deals in EMEA, according to KPMG’s Pulse of Fintech report.

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