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The Open Data Institute is combining with UK sporting and health bodies to do for fitness what has already happened in fields from banking to travel. That is, using open data for greater accessibility, more opportunities for customers… and in this case taking some weight off increasingly pressured health services.

The way we instrument for security doesn't require us to put out 25 different agents

This story has been updated here on February 8. Security researchers are reporting an explosion in the compromise of VMware ESXi hypervisors with over 500 machines hit by ransomware this weekend, with the automated attacks likely exploiting CVE-2021-21974. As The Stack published, some 20 ESXi machines were reportedly being ransomed

Damian Smith was managing a rather delicate job as Head of IT at the England and Wales Cricket Board when he was approached by non-profit Podium Analytics to reduce the volume and impact of youth sport-incurred injuries. “In 2020, I was in the midst of putting bio-secure international cricket on

Security researchers regularly chafe at the deafening silence when they report a critical vulnerability in software: White Hats simply wanting to help organisations fix their cybersecurity all too often still find themselves being ignored – or worse, threatened with legal action when trying to help publicly exposed organisations that have not

"I want to stimulate debate about how we can rediscover and re-energise" digital ambitions

Big Iron applications to be retired or refactored in a bid to save £17m/year