UN accused of AI 'power grab' and 'bureaucratic empire building'
Can the UN make space for globally inclusive AI regulation?
Can the UN make space for globally inclusive AI regulation?
Energy, national security both ripe for significant technology investment but DSIT's mandate and regulatory focus are...
UK government
“Whichever party forms the new government, we will be keeping a close eye on the possibility of stricter regulation, increased innovation support and enhanced competition."
net neutrality
FCC set to prohibit service providers from "blocking, throttling, or engaging in paid prioritisation of lawful content" from July 22nd
ByteDance spins up new “Influence Operations Intelligence” team in a further bid to head off complaints.
Tech executives, hedge your bets, it ain't over until the fat lady sings or your state legislates independently...
Could politicians really confuse AI's probablistic outcomes with the truth?
Apple says new rules “significantly widen the powers and exacerbate the flaws inherent in the Investigatory Powers Act”
Google has updated its app store policy, and now the NFTs can come out to Play...
artificial intelligence
The scramble for a piece of the AI pie is on, but US and China remain on top when it comes to raking in the profit
Government promises a new "National Biosurveillance Network" that would join up "syndromic, epidemiological and promising environmental surveillance capabilities" in a new "Biothreats Radar" but promised funding is far from huge...
From London to Tokyo, Washington to Berlin, policy makers are scrambling to rethink semiconductor supply chains, in no small part lest (and few put it this bluntly) China invades Taiwan – gaining access to the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, which produces 90% of the world’s leading-edge semiconductors. Some are that