
Following a major security breach involving US federal agencies, Microsoft refuses to provide details on the incident

Happy Patch Tuesday: Have some critical SAP vulnerabilities affecting pretty much every internet-facing product whilst you're at it...

"The risk is mainly with multi-tenant applications where this misconfiguration could result [in] account and privilege escalation" -- here's what you need to do.

Back in 2021 Microsoft boasted of shielding a customer from a 2.4 Tbps DDoS attack originating from 70,000 sources. It has not shared such detail on this successful incident that it its services...

The group is intent on developing capabilities and access that “could disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the United States and Asia region during future crises.” Threat vector Fortinet has questions to answer ...

Microsoft has released a unified data platform called Microsoft Fabric: the next step in a journey that started in 2022 with the release of its “Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform”, and an offering that Redmond says will let users get the “maximum value out of a single copy of data without

Microsoft’s annual “Build”developer conference is underway and the focus is firmly on AI, not least “CoPilot”, its brand for a growing family of AI assistants – with Redmond also looking to position itself as the go-to hub for third-party developers wanting to build and integrate their own AI capabilities

Although May Patch Tuesday she be but little, she is fierce: Microsoft has pushed out a modest 38 new security fixes for its monthly fix cycle , but don’t get caught napping: They include fixes for a pre-authentication remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in Outlook, CVE-2023-29325, that requires no user