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Malware that spreads via Redis now capable of deploying ransomware

P2Pinfect now able to deploy ransomware and crypto miner payloads.

discord emojis malware C2

Camera emoji? "Take a screenshot of the victim's screen and upload it to the command channel as an attachment."

Single host saw 70,000 servers hit with Ebury backdoor

Malware operators “have established a significant presence in data centers worldwide”

Kapeka Russian malware surfaces in Europe

A new variant of the Kremlin-backed Sandworm software known as Kapeka has been found in the wild

International 'Duck Hunt' dismantles Qakbot network

An international law enforcement campaign has struck a lethal blow to the long-running Qakbot malware and botnet operation

WinRAR zero-day used to pack in malware for targeted attacks

A months-long malware campaign was seen exploiting a zero-day flaw in WinRAR for spear-phishing attacks aimed at traders and finance professionals

LabRat malware said to be flying under the radar of security tools

A newly-spoted proxyjacking campaign is going above and beyond to hide itself from detection

Malvertising: Threat actors are duping downloaders using... Google Ads and SEO

Threat actors are using SEO to trick users into downloading ransomware.

NSA warns over “false sense of security” on Black Lotus UEFI bootkit risk

The bootkit has been sold on underground forums since at least October 6, 2022. It has a tiny on-disk size of around 80kb, can disable HVCI, Windows Defender, BitLocker, and bypass UAC

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