"For product experiences that tolerate such a level of errors, building with generative AI is refreshingly straightforward. But it also creates unattainable expectations..."

Adobe uses a "multi-layered, continuous review and moderation approach to block and remove content that violates Adobe’s policies"

Alphabet CEO: We see "clear paths to AI monetization". GCHQ Chief Data Scientist: Beware "automation bias"

Welcome to your latest episode of “is this exciting or is this mild AI exaggeration™"

"You can create a consumer, a brand strategist, a brand marketer, client, encoded with actual ground truth data, then critique the content that's been generated by the system with agents playing off against each other."

AI discovered 2.2m new "materials" said DeepMind. Chemistry professors investigated, found hallucinations, repetition, known crystals.

"You have to chain user input, system prompts, and DB data to feed the LLM and then lots of processing to deliver that magic AI agent experience to the user"