JPMorgan’s new global CTO Sri Shivananda joins a company in transformation
Thanks to Artificial Intelligence and $17 billion on technology spending annually, it will not be the same when he leaves.
Thanks to Artificial Intelligence and $17 billion on technology spending annually, it will not be the same when he leaves.
"Industry has gotten good at identifying vulnerabilities in the supply chain; SBOMs and so on [but not at] at insidious backdoors and logic issues that are built into software, and update mechanisms that could cause implants..."
Multinational's Global CISO touts critical work being done by the OpenSSF and tools like its Security Scorecard...
A major application modernisation programme continues through a mix of refactoring, SaaS replacement and legacy decommissioning – with 2,500 decommissioned since 2017...
Enterprise IT
$14 billion in annual technology spend...
Company blames JPMorgan for AML failings, sues it for recovery
Bank admits its "Chase UK" fintech may lose money for a long time...
Enterprise IT
"Since the 1930s, recordkeeping has [vital] to the SEC’s ability to be an effective cop on the beat..."
Enterprise IT
10x, Thought Machine win big
250,000 employees, 35,000 developers, 6,000 applications, 450 petabytes of data...