
On Magic Quadrants, deal size, changing approaches to cyber-resilience and learning from his father.
A world-leading provider of investment data, analytics and research is on a mission to migrate to the cloud by 2025 – and it’s finding benefits beyond its core business case.

"We have a federated Enterprise Architecture approach; making sure that we don’t get constantly caught in these endless loops of centralisation and decentralisation..."

On tough decisions, fixing the “broken middle rung”, wearing two hats at work, experiences modernising Oracle's IT estate and having an "unconventional" background as a CIO...

"Industry has gotten good at identifying vulnerabilities in the supply chain; SBOMs and so on [but not at] at insidious backdoors and logic issues that are built into software, and update mechanisms that could cause implants..."

"We're taking on one piece of the network step-by-step. eBPF is making a lot of things possible and with cloud native, all aspects of the network and of connectivity have an opportunity to be redone better."