Enterprise IT Featured Read This Banking digital transformation earnings BoA, Citi, Goldman, JPMorgan, Wells Fargo’s earnings calls show focus on DX, risk, automation JPMorgan CFO: "What's really particularly exciting is..." The Stack July 15, 2021
Enterprise IT Featured Bank of England CIO jobs Bank of England starts hunt for new CIO, as work continues to modernise legacy infrastructure Hire comes as the central bank plans RTGS overhaul. Edward Targett July 05, 2021
Enterprise IT Read This Banking fintech funding investment SaaS Former Barclays' CEO's fintech "10x" lands $187m Series C funding Company "very well placed to change how big banks are built" Edward Targett June 16, 2021
Enterprise IT Read This Sponsored Three Feature Slider Banking Banking Circle fintech Banking Circle quietly handles 10%+ of global e-commerce payments. But CEO Anders la Cour is just getting started. "Banks and tech companies are now all fighting for the client" The Stack April 14, 2021
Featured Blockchain cryptocurrencies Curv PayPal PayPal to buy digital asset security startup Curv, as it doubles down on crypto. PayPal touts "vision for a more inclusive financial system" The Stack March 08, 2021
Enterprise IT Featured Policy Read This fintech The Kalifa Review: UK Fintech report urges robust gov't action, dollops of cash, in the shade of Brexit. "We've already seen stagnation in productivity, hiring of talent, cautious investment and lack of confidence" The Stack March 01, 2021
Policy Read This European Commission regulation European finance regulators demand more powers to enforce "digital operational resilience" Lack of follow-up powers poses risk to "effectiveness of enforcement" The Stack February 25, 2021
Leadership Cloudera Red Hat Richard Harmon Red Hat poaches Cloudera's head of financial services Red Hat's play in the financial services space includes containerised services, management and orchestration. The Stack December 14, 2020