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Enterprise IT

COP26: Picture a "Patchwork Kilt" of Edge data centres built on recycled, open hardware

"The largest machine ever made by Homo Sapiens is the Internet..."

New Barclays CEO C.S. Venkatakrishnan takes the helm amid a sweeping digital shakeup

CEO comes with a reputation for prescience, after spotting "London Whale" issues...

New Group CDTIO takes the reins at Standard Chartered

Bank has doubled its technology spend, moved from defensive to offensive

HSBC standardises CI/CD platform for 23,000 developers

Deal follows CloudBees' poaching of HSBC's global CTO...

Tackling legacy applications on mainframes

One shortcut is to use modern session management software for web-enabling applications

AWS is building a new storage backend for S3 on 40k lines of Rust

S3 team open-sources a library for testing concurrent Rust code as part of...

Autumn Budget: Cloud, data costs to be eligible for R&D tax relief

Today's Autumn budget has drawn a distinctly mixed reaction from across the business and technology worlds -- as organisations digest a flurry of new initiatives including the pledge to boost public R&D to $20 billion, quadruple places on "skills bootcamps" (free courses of up

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