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Enterprise IT

Sweeping AWS outage blamed on "network device impairment"

"This issue is affecting the global console landing page, which is also hosted in US-EAST-1"

Confessions of a mainframer: I still recommend COBOL...

Much is owed to the Open Mainframe Project (OMP)...

Goldman launches its very own "financial cloud"

AWS-powered cloud aims to boost front-office analytics tools, such as PlotTool Pro and Goldman's Python toolkit.

Change management and leadership: revisiting The Stack's event with NATO's new CIO

Our attendees made it: thank you all for coming.

Gov't hints at tighter requirements for MSPs: Time to get familiar with "CAF"?

Ministers admit consultation was “too narrowly focussed on risks” however

Bank of England to consult on 'Central Bank Digital Currency' launch, as CBDC experiments globally surge

Coming, later this decade? (Others are experimenting more aggressively)

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