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data breaches

Teenage hackers breached T-Mobile, grabbed 30k repos

"Cloning 30k repos four times in 24 hours isn’t very normal..."

GitHub hacked, npm data stolen after 0auth tokens stolen in upstream breach

GitHub hacked after Heroku, Travis-CI 0auth tokens stolen in upstream attack

Okta admits customers hit in data breach

Threat group shares superuser account screenshots

The Optionis data breach is worse than you can imagine. Here's why.

"Useful passwords" is not a document to leave lying around...

Thousands of AWS customers leaking data CIDR block scan reveals

"If you open a service to the world, at least use decent authorization and authentication"

Cyber attack shuts down Red Cross family reunions

Scumbag attackers urged to release the data...

Accenture customers hit in wake of consulting giant's ransomware attack

"Our clients have experienced... breaches of systems and cloud-based services"

T-Mobile: Hacker brute-forced our customer servers

Amazing what you can do with Mimikatz (we speculate...)

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