data analytics

Some data transformation failures are "inherent to what you're trying to do, which is discover insights; knowledge generation is not a deterministic process. But some of that is also because people don't know how to do it..." he tells The Stack.

“We have staggering amounts of data. And we have the same problem as everyone else. It's all siloed: we need it in one place…”

The privately owned retailer's CIO talks us through building data funnels from shops, smart fitting rooms and more...

"Our ability to collect data risks overmatching the ability of our analysts to analyse and exploit it at the speed we need"

Microsoft has released a unified data platform called Microsoft Fabric: the next step in a journey that started in 2022 with the release of its “Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform”, and an offering that Redmond says will let users get the “maximum value out of a single copy of data without