"We're taking on one piece of the network step-by-step. eBPF is making a lot of things possible and with cloud native, all aspects of the network and of connectivity have an opportunity to be redone better."

Rapidly growing company had struggled to find the perfect CTO fit after co-founder Eliot Horowitz's departure.

"It's given us a renewed understanding of how our infrastructure and our applications work, and how everything communicates together...”

"During Covid I saw two kids, sitting almost on the footpath outside Starbucks in Dallas, and they were doing their homework on its Wi-Fi. It broke my heart. Not creating a digital divide is super important..."

"All of this hasn't existed for the CIO or the CTO, and genuinely they've been begging for a platform with the same ability to report back to executives to show the value of their engineers..."

CTO Madalina Tanasie shares insights from two decades in data governance, and shares what building a data intelligence platform that works look like

“The legal structure of contracts between a services company and customers simply doesn't allow us to unilaterally activate this kind of tooling. We have to have customer buy-in."