If you think the past five years you spent rebuilding your entire IT stack means you can now relax, think again, says former divisional CTO at Worldpay and IT veteran David Walker.

Goldman Sachs CIO says "there’s a great opportunity for capital to move towards the application layer, the toolset layer. I think we will see that shift happening..."

"We’re starting to see multimodal AI models, and I think one modality that hasn’t been fully exploited yet is that of the time series. This would be using AI to deal with data points attached to a particular timestamp..."

"We have a federated Enterprise Architecture approach; making sure that we don’t get constantly caught in these endless loops of centralisation and decentralisation..."

On tough decisions, fixing the “broken middle rung”, wearing two hats at work, experiences modernising Oracle's IT estate and having an "unconventional" background as a CIO...

Former Chief Information Officer David Walker welcomes the new wave of flexible thinking and shares some advice on how to capitalise on this latest trend
Executives are getting more worried about the risk of being too dependent on one cloud. But the dominance of the cloud giants makes it hard to avoid.