
Dust off your math, review the literature with some strong coffee; envision a future fresh from a William Gibson novel...

From Citi's $1 billion "fat finger" and regulatory intervention driving a massive compliance overhaul, to major cloud migrations, spending continues at scale...

HMG makes a lot of payments: The Department for Work and Pensions alone makes 2.5 million+ daily that are worth £3.7 billion per week.

A major application modernisation programme continues through a mix of refactoring, SaaS replacement and legacy decommissioning – with 2,500 decommissioned since 2017...

The retail banking market has heated up hugely in the UK in recent years, with the rise of digital-native banks like Monzo and Starling winning awards and customers – over seven million, three million respectively.) They hit the market with minimal technology debt, having built new stacks from the ground up,