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Joe Fay

About Joe Fay

Joe Fay is a freelance reporter. He has been covering the technology industry for 30 years and has edited publications in London and San Francisco.

Joe Fay's Work

95 Posts
Joe Fay
National Crime Agency smashes LockBit infrastructure, grabs 1,000 decryption keys

Did NCA, FBI deploy an exploit for PHP vulnerability CVE-2023-3824 to break the prolific group's systems?

EU’s Digital Services Act sweeps up thousands of online services over the weekend

Non-EU-based sites like OnlyFans need to appoint EU reps. Fast.

Ministry of Justice wanted ICT to be nimble and data driven. For now it’s grappling with technical debt and running late

"One of the most outsourced government departments with major contracts to manage"

NCSC vuln management guide details why to update by default - and why not to

Business should own the risk - not the security team

How secure is your package repo? CISA defines four levels of security maturity, starting at zero

"Package managers are at a critical point in the open source ecosystem and have the capability to scale security improvements across open source ecosystems"

Open Source pioneer Perens says it's time to contemplate a Post-Open world

Open Source may have won, but it has also failed, says Open Source Initiative founder

Labour will wrap regulation around big tech, slice red tape for small innovators

As current government looks to "upskill" existing regulators to police AI

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