Full Name
Joe Fay
About Joe Fay
Joe Fay is a freelance reporter. He has been covering the technology industry for 30 years and has edited publications in London and San Francisco.
Joe Fay's Work
95 Posts
Joe Fay is a freelance reporter. He has been covering the technology industry for 30 years and has edited publications in London and San Francisco.
AI firm says "a robust, third-party evaluation ecosystem is essential for assessing AI capabilities and risks" but warns that the current "landscape is limited.”
Multi had recently touted the ability to "work in teammates’ apps like Xcode and Terminal as though they’re open on your computer"
DOD's background check arm failing on oversight, privacy controls, and more
A new "isitopen" tool has not yet identifed a single model that meets the Foundation's highest standard of openness
Adoption of artificial intelligence tools in highly regulated industries is much faster than expected, Chainguard boss warns
Many organisations "don't understand the capabilities that IT can provide to security and that security can provide to IT" says the Barclays veteran. CIOs and CISOs should...
Party’s manifesto takes aim at nimbys and deep fakes, promising to cut red tape stopping the building of new tech infrastructure