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Eliot Beer

Eliot Beer's Work

180 Posts
Execs at Goldman Sachs conference see IT spending keep growing...

“What do we make of that? We're not quite sure, to be honest with you."

Uber hack update: Initial analysis suggests contractor creds bought on dark web

“We’ve not seen the attacker accessed the production systems."

This Cargo shipping giant is testing AI voyage optimisation, but it's taking a while to build trust

"Suddenly we had 10,000 data points in our database, and needed to make sense of that."

Patch Tuesday: Critical Windows TCP/IP vuln allows bad packets to gain pre-auth RCE, plus 0day

More than half the release involves RCE - time to get patching.

Malware use is plummeting because employee credentials are so easy to get: CrowdStrike

"Adversaries continue to have success with older, widely publicized and patchable exploits."

UK fintech investment drops 65% in a year – are we doomed? (no)

2021's Refinitiv deal distorts the picture...

Advanced waiting on ICO report as it fights to rebuild NHS systems

Meanwhile the NHS's paperwork backlog continues to build...

Fresh flurry of ransomware attacks hits hotels, buses, schools, states

Attacks escalate, as implications of state cyber-aggression get more serious.

Ports digitalisation project will open up data across the supply chain, says ABP CIO

"We need to be mindful -- through data --of the role that ports can play in the whole supply chain"

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